After 3 weeks I just find myself not reacting to common triggers. This is life changing for me, a now quiet mind, optimistic outlook, relief of a burden of mental trash that haunted me literally forever. I never would have believed this could happen to me.


As a bonus I have sold more in 3 weeks than I normally sell in 3 months. My luck has been off the chart. Crazy lucky things have been occurring daily.


This system is for real. I don’t know how you developed this program. Thank God I found it.

I don't even know where to begin!


When I started my journey with MindFlavors® and inVigor8™ I immediately, and I mean "immediately" had shifts from the first day. I felt so giddy and alive to where I literally couldn't stop smiling for hours. I was like, "what is this thing?".. so of course I joined Carl and Amy in this wild adventure, and that, it has been!


Within that first week I had a level of confidence and empowerment I haven't felt in a very long time. It was like the old programming that was still sitting on the surface ready to be released just organically slipped away! Doing my journey, I even coined the term "happy attacks" because that is what was and still happens to where I just would get excited and happy out of nowhere and often!


My attitude has shifted, my triggers are far far less and I feel truly happy. My self-awareness is on turbo speed to where I can catch myself in any moment if a thought comes in that does not serve me or that I know will not bring me in a positive forward motion and pivot to one that will. Its automatic! And because of that, I see my life unfolding in the ways I have always asked for. 


Within this time too, I excitedly (without any doubts) released my first online program that was a huge success.


Amy and Carl authentically and so beautifully hold such a strong and empowering space for us to grow, learn, and better ourselves every single day! When I am in their presence or just even in the FB group with all the others, it's like I enter a vortex to where you naturally are in a higher state of consciousness (and I've done a LOT Of programs and been in other groups).. This is different, easy, fun, empowering and I will never be able to express my gratitude for them coming into my life when they did. I could go on about all the shifts I have had but I'll end it by saying, this program has literally changed my life to the point of "happy tears"... and continues to do so every single day!! Thank you! 


Love you both!!

When the student is ready the teacher appears. That is exactly how it felt when Mindflavors® found its way to me. It felt like an answer to a problem I wasn't even aware I had.


Amy & Carl are such a dynamic soulful pairing, their union was such a powerful part of my experience. They bring fourth this beautiful masculine and feminine synergy - the result is a beautiful, intentional sacred online circle that REALLY allows for deep transformative reprogramming and healing.


Going through my first 30 day journey felt like I cleared YEARS of old programming. It was like I learned a new superpower. I genuinely developed the tools for serious long lasting subconscious rewiring. I felt liberated, free and so expansive and joyous because of it. I’m simply not the same person I was when I started my Mindflavors® journey.


If you are reading this testimonial, I imagine you were brought here because you felt a call, my greatest hope is that you follow that call! This will be a gift that keeps giving! Sending so much love and light to all.


Love & Light.

WOW!!!! This program has truly changed my life. The first time I saw Carl's Mindflavors® video I felt a wave of energy flowing throughout my body like I have never felt before. For the first time in my life I was present in my body without any useless chatter in my head. All of my thoughts and worries were gone and it was a complete feeling of euphoria and unlimited energy.


The next day I did the Invigor8 breath work for the first time and again felt a feeling of being in my body and a new way to live. I have always been searching for success and working harder and harder and consciously been trying to pound things into place.


Since I have done this program my perspective on life has changed and I no longer carry everyday stresses with me everywhere I go. I never knew how much baggage I was lugging around until I felt the new feeling of freedom without it.


This program will, without doubt, be the foundation for any true success I achieve in my life. I could not be more grateful for Carl and Amy's personalized approach and taking the time to truly give back to their members. What they have taught me in a short couple of months has already made lasting impact and given me the tools I needed to create the life that I choose moving forward. 

I am forever grateful to both of you.

What a Journey, what a Shift and what a GIFT! Honestly I can’t even describe how I feel today! I Love my New Identity, and I Love feeling That I have the control on Creating my life the way I choose to experience it Now!!!! I love how I feel Free, whole, Healthy and Powerful Now! And I love how Easy and Fun it is to Now to Reprogram my Subconscious Mind with the Tools you so Brilliantly Created!

I was so Deeply stuck in Pain and I Love how going Deeper with your Program I flew higher and Higher and how today I feel so Brilliant and Aligned with my True Self!

I love how you assisted me so Gracefully while my Resistances and Old Programs where Manifesting more Madness to keep me Trapped in my old Life that I considered an Everyday Torture! 

I was not long ago diagnosed with Severe Complex PTSD and today I live from such a new Perceptive that I don’t even want to write these words Again! I love how everything I Tried finally brought me to Both of You!


Your program has truly saved my life and I consider it a miracle!


I decided to start today a new 30 days of My Brilliant Attitude Alignment Program from My new Power Point, My new Perceptive, from my new Me to Fly even higher on the Path of my Evolution and My New Life!


To both of you Amy and Carl a million times thank you for making these tools so Powerful and Liberating at a Cellular level and for Guiding me so patiently out of My old Programs so that I can finally start Living and Creating what I came in my Body For!


Unless I write pages and Pages, I will never find words powerful enough to describe how good I feel already today, how I love it, and how much I Thank you! Therefore I will end this by simply congratulating you for the amazing work done on my Subconscious Mind and sending Both of you Tones of love, Blessing and Gratitude!!


I am really Looking forward to our next follow up call to describe my new Miracles!

Yes, Yes, Thank you Thank you!